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Beat my time :)

Fun game! had some troubles with the wall jumping but that was just a skill issue tbh (kept swapping the arrows too early).  I saw there was other jumping issues that could be solved with something called a input queue, hope the tip helps!

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, yes I have a input queue for jumps where you can pre-hold, so as long as the button is pressed when landing you will instantly jump. For wall jumps I have not implemented it yet, have to figure out a way since to stick to the wall you have to hold that arrow, so the game can detect you are against the wall, and want to stick to it, and not just sliding down.

I have a few ideas of how to implement it, will be something in a future version where I will give a few frames of early press to at least enter wall jump mode (though probably not the slow down).

Does the game autosave btw? I'd really hate to lose my progress when closing the browser.

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Not currently. The idea of the game its that the "true" mode is the foddian version, meaning you fall you lose without checkpoints.

But I saw yout other post! You are almost there!

Hah, well, then I would've definitely given up long ago, I fell quite a bit. Thanks for the encouragement! Left the browser open, now grinding my teeth on the jump climb area.

This is pretty cool! The controls seem to be really accurate, although they get me frustrated now and then. Might also be that the jump doesn't respond because you're still floating from crossing a gap or something.

Graphics are pretty neat as well.

Love that you change the music the faster you go, nice touch!

Getting a bit frustrated now, because I can't seem to get this to work, but that's me, so far the difficulty was nicely ramping up. I'm just not so accurate and fast in my reflexes.

Especially this gap is giving me a hard time, the part up from here is also difficult, but constantly failing to jump after crossing the gap is frustrating.

Power of posting though, just made it to the next checkpoint and I have to admit, that does feel satisfying.

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Made it! 47:38, absolutely not that fast, but I'm happy I made it through :-) Really cool, it's not really my style of game, but I'm glad I persisted. Well done! The controls responded really well. Game is pretty polished also.

Edit: Return to Main Menu button does not work btw ;-)

Congratulations! The return to main menu should be working, that's really odd, which browser are you using to see of I can replicate it.

Using Chrome 126.0.6478.127 (Official build) (64-bits) on Windows 11

You have coyote time, meaning you dont fall the instant you leave the ground, so you can actually run across that gap at enough speed!

Yeah, I know, it's the jumping right after the gap that is (was) annoying. Somehow it felt like I couldn't jump after crossing the gap and I had to wait just that little bit longer before making the jump. It could also be my timing ofcourse ;-)